Button appearance

To set the button appearance, click on the "Appearance" option.


Text style

Click on the "Text style" icon.


You can choose between standard fonts or Google web fonts. Select a font family and set the font size and font weight.


Set spacing, text alignment, and choose a color for the text.


Background style

Click on the "Background style" icon.

Set the background color of the button.

Border style

Click on the "Border" icon.

Set the border width, border style, and mode of border setting - individually or at once and set the border-radius - same for all corners or individually for each corner. Set the border color.


Box shadow style

Click on the "Box shadow" icon.

Set the shadow blur, shadow spread, and shadow mode.


Set the horizontal and vertical direction of the shadow and choose a shadow color.


Text shadow style

Click on the "Text shadow" icon.

Set the shadow size and horizontal and vertical direction of the shadow.

When everything is set, click on the "Confirm" button.