New block

To add a new block to the e-mail, drag the "New block" instrument, move it to the desired area, and drop it.

Set the width of the container and whether the block height is manual or adjusts to the content size. Set the position of the container.


Set the responsivity. Select for which devices the block is visible. Choose from mobile devices only, desktop devices only, or both devices. Block that is set only for mobile devices will be displayed only to users who read the e-mail on mobile devices.


Set up the number of columns and their layout by clicking on "Columns" on the left side and choosing from pre-made options.


Or choose the "Custom layout," define Gutter, add columns manually, and fill in their respective percentual width.


Set vertical column alignment inside the container.


When everything is set, click on the "Confirm" button.

The new block will appear.


Edit a block

To edit a block, click on the "Edit block" icon.

The same form as for the new block creation will appear.

Move block

To move a block to a different position in the e-mail, drag the block on the "Move block" icon in the left part of the block and move it to the desired position.

Duplicate block

To duplicate a block, click on the "Duplicate block" icon. The new block will appear automatically right after.

Remove a block

To remove a block, click on the "Remove block" icon.

A confirm window will appear.

Click on the "Yes" button to confirm the removal.