[avatar-to-video image="https://cdn.carecloud.cz/help/avatar.png" video="https://cdn.carecloud.cz/help/video/benefits.mp4"]
A Benefit is a reward, advantage, coupon, or discount defined by the CC platform user in the administrator interface for defining benefits. Customers earn Benefits by automatically meeting predefined conditions and parameters when making purchases (in the e-shop, cash register system, or mobile application). The customer can also earn the Benefit by running an omnichannel campaign within a defined automation scenario in the MA application or manually assigning a Benefit by a CC platform user.
The Complete list of vouchers on the customer account is on the "Voucher List" widget.
Click on the "Complete list of vouchers" icon.
In the table, there is information about the voucher status, when the status was updated, voucher name, when the voucher was created, what type of voucher it is, what the price is, information about the discount value, and the expiration date.
To see the detail of the voucher setup, click on the "Voucher setup detail" icon.
The buy and Apply function generates vouchers from rewards and then applies them immediately. This option is on the "Available Cash Desk Rewards" widget.
Click on the "Buy and Apply Voucher" icon.
To confirm it, click on the "OK" button.
The buy catalog reward option is on the "Available Catalogue Rewards" widget.
Click on the "Buy voucher" icon.
To confirm it, click on the "OK" button.
By this action, the voucher is generated for the Customer, and it is on the widgets "Vouchers overview" and "Voucher list".