Header creation

Click on the "Header Creation" in the bottom part of the Designer.


A form will appear.


Insert the Design Name.


Insert the Subject of the e-mail.


Select the communication language of the template.


Insert an Alias - a name that will be displayed to the customer in the mailbox.


Insert a Sender. An e-mail address from which the e-mails will be sent.


Also, you can insert a meta tags, for example to prioritize the email in the inbox. Agree with your mailbox provider the exact syntax and format of the meta tag.
Entry format: name:content
You can enter multiple tags at once: name1:content1,name2:content2

Meta tags are special elements that are written in the header of a page in an HTML document and that carry information supplementing the content of the email. These are not directly visible when viewing the email, but help email clients to better interpret the content.


Select whether the template should be sent to the accounts without consent to marketing communication. This option is used mainly for system e-mails, such as password recovery, etc.


Insert a Preheader. The preheader is a text that is displayed after the subject in the e-mail preview.


Select if the template should be used as a pattern. Select if the template is a system template or not - system templates have special reporting.


If everything is set, hover the mouse over the last icon in the bottom part of the Designer.


You have several options - "Save and return to overview", "Save and continue editing", "Save and create a campaign", "Exit without saving the template" and "Download template HTML code."
